The examiner general, they said, incorrectly blended what takes place to E’ sostanzialmente da questi quattro personaggi che si dipanano i fili di una trama che negli anni ha preso mille direzioni e intrecciato altrettanti nodi. Poi nella vita di Ridge entra la donna che diventerà il suo più grande amore, Brooke Logan. In principio fu la rivalità in amore tra Ridge e Thorne per Caroline. Una vera e propria epopea internazionale quella dei Forrester, ricca e travagliata famiglia di stilisti con il “nocciolo duro” composto dai fratelli Ridge e Thorne e dai loro genitori Eric e Stephanie. La prima puntata di Beautiful, per chi non lo ricordasse, andò in onda sul piccolo schermo il 23 marzo 1987 negli Stati Uniti e il 4 giugno 1990 in Italia su Rai 2, per poi passare a Canale 5 quattro anni dopo.ĭa allora la soap non si è mai fermata, arrivando alla sua 33° stagione, con più di 8mila episodi.

Ogni giorno alle 15 sarà possibile ripercorrere le tappe che hanno portato i Forrester dove sono oggi. L’appuntamento è sul canale Youtube ufficiale di Beautiful, dove – è il caso di precisarlo – le puntate verranno caricate in lingua originale. The answers did live up to the hype and I am very satisfied with themes in the later arcs and what they tried to convey.Leggi anche –> Beautiful, anticipazioni agosto: svelato cosa succederà a Brooke I am actually able to replay a beloved VN for the first time. I recall the high school days when I loved this story so much and realize the irony of the situation as this is what I always dreamt would happen to me in regards to Alternative or White Album or Ever17. I don't know who the culprit is, I don't know the riddle solution, I don't know the possible solutions to a single murder case. I remember a few scenes from the first 4 arcs as we talked about them a lot but I had very conveniently and completely forgotten the answer arcs. I should have read to almost the end and should know the entire mystery but cannot recall. I instantly try to remember details but cannot. Holy shit did I get a nostalgia kick out of that. Lots of Kyoto Animation, smash bros melee, fate/stay night, anime piano covers, the normal otaku stuff for the time. I was looking through my old Youtube liked videos from the beginning. I think my interest was really running low when the 7th game came out and I might have half-read half-skipped a lot. I still read the 6th and probably even the 7th close to their releases but I only have a very vague recollection of that. We graduated sometime around the 4th or 5th chapter (2009) and then my interest in Umineko kind of just petered out while waiting for the next installment. We would talk for hours about culprit theories and things we thought could be clues. I was in high school during the early Umineko years and remember talking with my friend about Umineko a lot as each chapter came out. So I was really into Higurashi when the anime came out in the mid 2000's and then Umineko for the first couple of chapters of the VN release. While I won't be forgetting those anytime soon (especially since I reread alternative every 2 years lol), this did happen to me with Umineko. To be able to forget a Baldr Sky or an Alternative and really get to experience it again for the first time. Let me tell a story about what I assume is the ultimate dream for many of us.